Vestibular Activities

People with under developed vestibular systems do not get the correct information from their eyes, ears, the sense of gravity or movement in their bodies to their brains. This is turn makes their brain and body feel unsafe. We therefore have collected a range of what we deem to be the most useful tools for encouraging vestibular activity in users.
Regular price incl VAT: £156.00
excl VAT: £130.00
Regular price incl VAT: £162.00
excl VAT: £135.00
Regular price incl VAT: £298.80
excl VAT: £249.00
From £274.00 excl VAT
incl VAT: £328.80
Regular price incl VAT: £222.00
excl VAT: £185.00
Regular price incl VAT: £35.88
excl VAT: £29.90
Regular price incl VAT: £54.96
excl VAT: £45.80
Regular price incl VAT: £72.00
excl VAT: £60.00
Regular price incl VAT: £88.68
excl VAT: £73.90
From £945.00 excl VAT
incl VAT: £1,134.00
From £1,395.00 excl VAT
incl VAT: £1,674.00
From £165.00 excl VAT
incl VAT: £198.00